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Ministry Committees

Our church offers many groups and committees that one can interact with and become a part of. Many of these are listed and described below.

The Faith Adult choir has been a part of the church for a long time. It is open to anyone who enjoys singing from Junior high and older, and is led by a member of the congregation. We sing many types of music with the clavinova, organ, and occasionally a cappella. Working closely with the Church organist to go over hymns for services, we sing about once a month, or more, as well as for important church events and holidays. We also put on a program for Christmas and Easter. Participation with other community choirs is also an enjoyable aspect. Many of our members also participate in dramas presented with the Christmas and Easter programs and also for the Mid-week Lenten dinner services. [Meets to practice Wednesday at 7:30 PM]

Leader: Lynne Meyer; Accompanist: Cheryl Christians; Other Members: Monty Cotter, John Akins, Dan Cederholm, Gary Koeller, Terri Teuber, Barb Cederholm, Jan Cotter, Kathy Frank, Wilma Akins, Sue Slater.


Drama Team

The Drama team at Faith Lutheran is a group that enjoys presenting the Gospel in a different way. We do not meet on a regular basis, but present skits and dramas at various times during the year, and work closely with the choir at Christmas and Easter. We have many biblical costumes for period dramas but we present many modern works also. Memorization is not a requirement as we are big proponents of reader's theater.  We work on a skit series for every Wednesday in Lent as well. Anyone who is not afraid of getting in front of a crowd is welcome to join us in presenting God's word.

Leader: Lynne Meyer

Prayer Chain

The Prayer Chain is a place for outreach and community. If you, a friend, or someone in your family need a special prayer said for them for whatever reason, please call one of the following members on our Faith Lutheran Church Prayer Chain. Or call Pastor Scott and the message will be relayed through our Prayer Chain.​

Members: Alice Akins - Wilma Akins - Jan Cotter - Charmaine Egan - Lynne Meyer - Pastor Scott Ralston.

Adult Forum

Adult forum, headed up by Dave Gesin, is a great place to delve into the greater depths and mysteries of the bible and the Christian faith. Adult forum takes place after services every Sunday of the month save the fourth; it is a place to share thoughts and ideas in a largely open discussion format with other members of the church community or friends who have come to visit. The materials covered are intended for people of any level of Theological education, providing equal space for those new to the faith as well as those with more experience. Adult forum is a wonderful place to not only develop your faith and understanding, but it is also a great place to get to know some of the amazing people of Faith Lutheran Church.


Leader: Dave Gesin

Sunday School

Sunday school, headed up by Dawn Metzger, meets every Sunday after services. Our Sunday school is great place for kids to take their first steps toward a lifetime of walking with Christ, it offers kids a chance to hear scripture and ask questions, provides a place for little hands to work on various crafts, invites children to sing songs, have fun, and encourages all involved to work together to God’s glory. This year we are using a new Sunday school curriculum called One Room Sunday School published by Abingdon Press and it has been fantastic. An especially big thanks goes out to our Sunday school staff who make it not only a time filled with great material for the kids, but they make it a safe and fun experience too.


Leader: Cindy Gesin

Youth Group

​The Youth Group was set up to bring young middle school and high school students together in a fun and healthy way. We are currently looking for a Youth Group Coordinator/Leader to continue this program. In past years the youth group participated frequently with groups of other local churches, attended youth musical gatherings and services, and held meetings to discuss the word of God and plan new events in order to grow together. They worked on team building at Camp White Eagle, played laser tag, went for ice cream, went to Volcano Falls, went sledding together, had bonfires and hayrides, and countless other events planned by and for the youth. The most exciting thing they participated in was a trip to San Antonio, Texas one year for the national ELCA gathering. They worked on fundraising, including auctioning themselves off to do work within the community, and other events in order to help them get down there for the week. While there, they were able to give back by making school sets for children in need, made friends with other youth members across the country, saw some amazing Christian bands, and explored the city together. Upon their return they put together a thank you dinner for those that had donated and helped them get there. Hopefully the youth group can start up again with the current youth in the church to create more fun memories like these.​

Bible Study

​Bible study is an important part of the educational focus of Faith Lutheran Church. Our bible studies provide a place to engage the text in a safe space where question are encouraged and voices are heard. We currently have two bible studies at Faith.

Monday morning bible study, starting at nine thirty, is currently taking a look at the ongoing lectionary for each week, giving participants a chance to dive into the Scriptures that will be used that coming Sunday. This study takes a look at not only the historical context of the writers and their audiences but also looks at how the texts speak to us in the world today. It is a great place to deepen

Theological understanding while engaging in discussion in a friendly accepting atmosphere.

Our second study, which takes place on Thursday evenings at six-thirty, is currently delving into the works of C.S. Lewis. Lewis’s works provide a rich environment for discussing Christian understanding of the nature of God and how God interacts with humankind. Stemming from our Lutheran heritage
we examine the effects of God’s grace and the saving work of Jesus Christ on the cross, all the while pondering the powerful works of Lewis. We are currently working through the Screwtape Letters which are an enigmatic encounter with the work of spiritual forces present in our lives.


Leader: Rev. Scott Ralston

FAITHful Hands Quilting

FAITHful hands is a quilting ministry here at Faith Lutheran Church. We make pieced and tied quilts which we ship to Lutheran World Relief to use anywhere there is a need in the world. We rely on donations to purchase materials and pay for shipping. We also make quilts for members of our church and community who may be ill, homebound, or just have a need. We meet three times a month: first and third Thursday eventings from 6:30pm to 8:00pm, and the second Friday from 9:00am to 3:00pm. No experience necessary. All are invited to be a part and be "blessed to be a blessing."

Confirmation Class

Confirmation class is held at Faith Lutheran Church for young people (approx. middle school age). Here they learn what it means to be Lutheran, studying Luther's small Catechism, the Creeds, and the 10 Commandments. They currently meet Tuesdays at 4:00pm. At the conclusion of the multi-week course they are confirmed as members of Faith Lutheran Church. 

Leaders: Barb Cederholm, Chris Cederholm, and Pastor Scott Ralson

Social Ministry

The Social Ministry Committee serves funerals, as well as puts on bake sales like the cookie Christmas sale, and pot lucks, such as the progressive supper. We also fix meals for other organizations that want to use the church. In addition, we serve coffee and snacks after church every Sunday to promote fellowship and energize everyone before heading home, to Sunday School, Adult Forum, or Confirmation. 


Chair: Teresa McDowell


Worship and Music

The Worship and Music Committee is responsible for picking the Sunday hymns along with the Pastor. They meet once a month to decide on songs, talk about and make suggestions and plan for other extra services that are held during the church year. This includes Christmas, Ash Wednesday, Wednesday Lenten Service and any other special services.

Chair: Barbara Miller


Property Committee

The Property Committee strives to keep the church and parsonage in a good state of repair, and look into improvements for the future. ​

Chair: Dave Meyer


The council at Faith Lutheran, which meets after services on the second Sunday of each month, has been established to help provide leadership and direction for the church and its activities. The council is made up of church members: young and old, male and female, from different economic backgrounds representing the diversity within our congregation as well as the different committees and their voices within our church. With God’s help and the guidance of the Holy Spirit the council seeks to find ways to live out God’s Mission for our church both within our walls and within our community. The council is charged with helping to find ways to improve and develop the church with an eye to the future
and to hold on to our traditions and those parts of our history that have brought us to be the church that we are today… Faith.


President: Lynne Meyer; Vice President: Kathy Frank; Secretary: Jane Koeller; Treasurer: Troy Rudy; Financial Secretary: Jan Cotter.


Finance Committee

The purpose of the Finance Committee is to develop a budget for the church. We watch the income that the church receives through member giving and maintain the budget through this. We monitor the income and expenses of the church for all committees throughout the year, as well as keep the congregation informed on a timely basis how the church is doing with income and expenses.

Chair: Monty Cotter

Vision Committee

The vision committee is a group focused on developing new programs and renewing previous programs and activities to benefit the church, community, and body of Christ near and far. The group meets on the fourth Sunday of the month after service and is organized in a free flowing manner to allow current members and new people, be they active members or otherwise, a place to share ideas, hopes, and dreams. When new or revitalized ideas and activities are suggested the vision committee works in conjunction with the church’s other committees (evangelism, education, social, property, finance) to accomplish goals together. If you are looking for a place to share new ideas the vision committee is a great place to start.


Leader: Rev. Scott Ralston

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